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Dennerle Herkunftsland 2022


Ludwigia repens ‘Rubin’

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 50 cm Growth
Family: Onagraceae
Species: Ludwigia
This colour variant has been commercially available for almost 10 years, and is one of the most attractive red-leaved aquarium plants. Generating such rich, red tones requires strong lighting and a good supply of CO2. In these conditions, the leaf pairs are very closely arranged on the stems, and the plants appear very compact. A group of around 10 stems mixed with light green varieties is like watching a fireworks display under water!

Ludwigia senegalensis

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Licht Icon 20 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 20 - 50 cm Growth
Family: Onagraceae
Species: Ludwigia
Type: Stängelpflanze
Ludwigia senegalensis is a real African beauty; its submerse leaves have an interesting leaf drawing with intense brick-red coloration. However, some requirements must be met: very good lighting, a high supply of CO2, macro and micronutrients, as well as soft water. Its stems should not be planted too close so that the lower part of the stem still receives enough light. If these conditions are met, Ludwigia senegalensis is a highlight for every plant enthusiast.

Ludwigia spec. Super Red

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Licht Icon 20 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 40 cm Growth
Family: Onagraceae
Species: Ludwigia
Type: Stängelpflanze
The new cultivar ‚Super Red‘ lives up to its name! Even in standard lighting it is an intense red colour – in very good lighting and with a good nutrient supply the colour is breath-taking. The leaves are considerably smaller than those of Ludwigia repens ‚Rubin‘ and the growth rate is also somewhat slower. The plant responds to vigorous pruning with very compact growth. The new Ludwigia spec. ‚Super Red‘ is very well suited to aquascaping as an eye-catching feature.

Ludwigia spec.´Dark Orange´

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Licht Icon 18 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 50 cm Growth
Family: Onagraceae
Species: Ludwigia
Type: Stängelpflanze
A new, attractive stem plant is Ludwigia spec. 'Dark Orange'. The variety name comes from the colour of the underwater leaves in the aquarium. Depending on the light intensity it has wonderful colouring ranging from a yellow-orange to deep, dark orange. Another feature is the striking venation of the leaves above water, but this is also clearly visible when it is submerged. As with all stem plants, this colourful new plant should be planted in large numbers to achieve a nice effect. Strong lighting and sufficient CO2 addition guarantee strong growth.

Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’

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Licht Icon 10 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 40 cm Growth
Family: Primulaceae
Species: Lysimachia
'Aurea' is a gorgeous colour variant of creeping Jenny. It has exactly the same needs as the original green form but prefers a little more light. Golden creeping Jenny is one of the standard indicator plants that very quickly display any lack of nutrients in the form of stagnation and stunted growth. In aquaria, the golden stems allow you to punctuate the planting with appealing, harmonious accents and ombré effects.

Marsilea hirsuta In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 20 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 3 cm Growth
Family: Marsileaceae
Species: Marsilea
Type: Rhizompflanze
Marsilea hirsuta belongs to the water clover family and is native to Australia. Due to its small size it is also known as dwarf four leaf clover. In marsh conditions, the plant forms small clover shaped leaflets when out of the water; under water ovate leaflets usually form, which are strongly reminiscent of the Glossostigma plant. The dwarf four leaf clover, however, is much easier to cultivate and very low maintenance. It does take a certain amount of time for the young plant to acclimatise to the aquarium, but it gradually forms an attractive carpet. Ideally the emersed shoots should be completely cut off before planting; new submerged shoots will gradually form.

Micranthemum tweediei

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Licht Icon 20 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 3 - 5 cm Growth
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Species: Micranthemum
Type: Ausläufer
Micranthemum spec. 'Monte Carlo' is a new, promising foreground plant. The name of this variety comes from the Argentinian city of Monte Carlo in the province of Misiones. In contrast with M. umbrosum, this plant does not grow upright, but creeps along the bottom as a cushion. This makes this new variety a very good alternative to Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba', with much better growth habits. This new pearl grass is ideally suited for aquascaping and perfect for Nano Cubes.

Limnophila aromatica

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 50 cm Growth
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Species: Limnophila
Type: Stängelpflanze
Also known as “rice paddy herb“, this plant is distributed widely across Southeast Asia and is very polymorphic with regards to its habitus. Under intense lighting in the aquarium, the leaflets will develop different red colour hues, depending on the nutrients available. As with all stem plants, Limnophila aromatica should be planted in larger groups.  The cascade-like arrangement of the leaflets makes for a harmonious appearance. This Asian stem plant can be particularly recommended for planting into an aquarium “Dutch”-style.

Limnophila sessiliflora

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 50 cm Growth
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Species: sessifloria
Type: Stängelpflanze
A stem plant that is widespread across Asia. In its emersed state it is a dwarf plant with shoots densely covered in leaves. In aquaria, the feathered leaf shape is much more apparent, and the colour changes to light green. Limnophila sessiliflora is a good alternative to light-hungry Cabombas. As with many of the more delicate stem plants, these stems are better planted in a large group. Under good lighting the shoots turn a rusty brown colour