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Dennerle Herkunftsland 2022


Vesicularia ferriei – Weeping Moos In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon langsam Growth
Family: Hypnaceae
Species: Vesicularia
Type: Moos
Hardly any other moss is as popular as the Java moss, Vesicularia ferriei. The commercial name ´Weeping Moos´ refers to the drooping fronds of this attractive moss. Ideally the moss is attached to roots or stones, where it quickly takes hold with fine holdfast roots. By trimming the moss cushion regularly, wonderful layouts can be created. Little miniature trees made of delicate roots and the weeping moss as the „treetop“ are a particular art form. This beautiful moss is very easy to care for and resilient.

Vesicularia ferriei – Weeping moss

Licht Icon Lighting
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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon langsam Growth
Family: Hypnaceae
Species: Vesicularia
Type: Moos
Hardly any other moss is as popular as the weeping moss, Vesicularia ferriei. The commercial name 'Weeping Moss' refers to the drooping fronds of this attractive moss. Ideally, the moss is attached to roots or stones, where it quickly takes hold with fine, holdfast roots. By trimming the moss cushion regularly, wonderful layouts can be created. Little miniature trees made of delicate roots and the weeping moss as the "treetop" are a particular art form. This beautiful moss is very easy to care for and resilient.

Vesicularia montagnei In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 5 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Hypnaceae
Species: Vesicularia
Type: Moos
This beautiful moss comes from the Sunda Islands of Indonesia. Commercially it is also known as „Christmas moss“. It takes its name from the overhanging branches that look like those of a Christmas tree. Undemanding and very easy to cultivate, and can be shaped via regular pruning. Like all mosses, V. montagnei grows well when attached to wood and rocks. This also makes it much easier to rearrange your hardscape any time you want.

Taxiphyllum barbieri

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 5 - 10 cm Growth
Family: Hypnaceae
Species: Taxiphyllum
Type: Moos
Taxiphyllum barbieri is erroneously called Java moss. “Real” Java moss, Vesicularia dubyana, was gradually phased out in the 1970s in favour of Taxiphyllum barbieri. It is an undemanding and very variable moss with several different growth habits. It grows well even in heavily shaded areas and is very tolerant of different water conditions. Anchoring the plants to logs and rocks will help create moss landscapes.

Taxiphyllum barbieri In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
Licht Icon CO2
Licht Icon 5 - 10 cm Growth
Family: Hypnaceae
Species: Taxiphyllum
Type: Moos
Taxiphyllum barbieri is erroneously called Java moss. “Real” Java moss, Vesicularia dubyana, was gradually phased out in the 1970s in favour of Taxiphyllum barbieri. It is an undemanding and very variable moss with several different growth habits. It grows well even in heavily shaded areas and is very tolerant of different water conditions. Anchoring the plants to logs and rocks will help create moss landscapes.

Taxiphyllum spec. Flammenmoos In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 10 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Hypnaceae
Species: Taxiphyllum
Type: Moos
This moss, which has not yet been definitively classified, is at home in Southeast Asia. The “flame” in the name relates to its exceptional growth behaviour: the upright shoots are more or less twisted and look like dancing flames. Care and cultivation are easy, and radical pruning is possible at any time. Binding the moss to free-standing logs and thin root branches will create an incredibly attractive look. This is a fantastic way of highlighting this plant’s growth characteristics

Utricularia graminifolia In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 5 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Species: Utricularia
Utricularia graminifolia is an elegant, light green foreground plant. We found this variety at an altitude of 2,000 m in fast-flowing water and emersed in the splash zone of small brooks in Sri Lanka. In aquaria this plant needs medium light to gradually produce a thick but very short carpet. Utricularia has a few unique characteristics: it is a carnivorous plant and produces special bladder traps to capture passing microorganisms. Fish and shrimps are perfectly safe, however.

Vallisneria australis ‘Curly’

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 200 cm / schnell Growth
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Species: Vallisneria
After Vallisneria spiralis, Vallisneria australis is the most frequently cultivated plant in this genus. The growth habit of the 'Curly' variety features attractive, bullate leaves and adds a decorative effect to any background. Large aquaria are absolutely essential here since the leaves can reach 100 - 200 cm in length. Propagation occurs via runners, which should be removed regularly to prevent uncontrolled growth. These plants thrive best in medium-hard to hard water.

Vallisneria australis ‘Gigantea’

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 200 cm Growth
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Species: Vallisneria
The giant Vallisneria is a highly variable aquatic plant that is native to Australia. Its long, narrow leaves can reach gigantic proportions under good conditions - up to 3 m in length is not uncommon. Giant Vallisneria is very popular for use in discus aquaria and aquaria for East African cichlids from the Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. These fish need harder water, which can be a problem for a lot of plants. Vallisneria australis ‘Gigantea’ actually prefers it.

Vallisneria nana

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 70 cm Growth
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Species: Vallisneria
Vallisneria nana is new to the world of aquatics. The species name "nana" means dwarf. However, these plants only grow this way in their natural habitat in Australia. In our aquaria they can reach lengths of 30 to 70 cm. This makes this narrow-leaved variety more suitable for the background. It is very easy to cultivate and care for, but again it is important to keep any runners in check. CO2 supplementation promotes additional growth in all Vallisneria.