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Dennerle Herkunftsland 2022


Alternanthera reineckii Mini

Licht Icon Lighting
Licht Icon Color
Licht Icon Position
Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
Licht Icon CO2
Licht Icon 10 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Amaranthaceae
Species: Alternanthera
This new variety only came onto the market a few years ago, and is a colourful foreground highlight. When cultivated above water, its growth is very similar to other Alternanthera varieties. The compact, miniature format only develops under the water. This little beauty comes highly recommended as a splash of colour for Nano Cubes. For a strong colour contrast, combine with a light green carpet of Hemianthus. Note that a very light, well-lit location is essential.

Alternanthera reineckii RED

Licht Icon Lighting
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Licht Icon Position
Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
Licht Icon CO2
Licht Icon 50 cm Growth
Family: Amaranthaceae
Species: Alternanthera
Type: Stängelpflanze
No other stem plant can boast colours as rich as this particular variety. Brown-red through cherry red hues drift over the stems, upper surface and underside of the leaves. To ensure that you get the most intense colours, this plant needs good lighting and an adequate supply of CO2. Speed of growth is generally average, so it is advisable to shorten or prune back the stems every 6-8 weeks. In discus aquaria this South American plant adds a splash of colour when combined with sword plants.

Alternanthera reineckii ´Lila´

Licht Icon Lighting
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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
Licht Icon CO2
Licht Icon 50 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Amaranthaceae
Species: Alternanthera
Type: Stängelpflanze
The vibrant purple-coloured underside of the leaves gave this variety its name. The surface of the leaves is wine red to deep red in colour. With good lighting, the shoots are very compact and the leaves are close together. As a result of its very slow growth, this colourful stem plant is also suitable for the midground. However it must be continuously trimmed so that the background plants do not become obscured. A nutrient-rich substrate and a good CO2 supply guarantee successful cultivation in the aquarium.