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Dennerle Borneo 2022


Cryptocoryne x purpurea

Licht Icon Lighting
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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 10 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Araceae
Species: Cryptocoryne
Type: Rosettenpflanze
Cryptocoryne x purpurea is a rarity from Southeast Asia. It is a natural hybrid between Cryptocoryne griffithii and Cryptocoryne cordata. The variety described here comes from Borneo and has remarkable marbling on the leaf blades. The growth is significantly slower than other Cryptocoryne species that are well known in aquatics. Growing to a height of around 10 cm (previous experience of cultivation in an aquarium), it remains relatively small in size and, depending on the size of the tank, can therefore also be used in the foreground. As with all Cryptocorynes, a nutrient-rich substrate is very important, as a lot of nutrients are absorbed by the roots.

Bucephalandra pygmaea ‘Bukit Kelam’

Licht Icon Lighting
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Licht Icon Position
Licht Icon 20 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 8 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Araceae
Species: Bucephalandra
Type: Rhizompflanze
A new genus takes aquatics by storm! The endemic genus Bucephalandra is only found in Borneo and like the Cryptocorynes and Anubias it belongs to the arum family. The exact scientific definition is currently very uncertain, so we get the name of this variety from the habit of the plant. Bucephalandra species are epiphytes and should therefore be attached to stones and roots. The 'Bukit Kelam' variety grows especially vigorously and is a decorative beauty. An ideal plant for Nano Cubes!

Bucephalandra pygmaea ‘Bukit Kelam’ on root

Licht Icon Lighting
Licht Icon Color
Licht Icon Position
Licht Icon 20 - 28 °C Temperature
Licht Icon CO2
Licht Icon 8 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Araceae
Species: Bucephalandra
Type: Rhizompflanze