Dispatch on the same working day,on receipt of payment by 14:00h

Biological filter medium for Corner Filter 40/60

Made from a special, open-pored fired clay granulate for effective pollutant degradation. Offers a huge settlement area for biological filtration.

Nano Bio Filter Granules in detail

Dosage and Application

Every 3 months:
Replace half.

1. Open the lid
2. Fill in the filter material and replace the lid
3. Rinse the filter attachment with water
4. Attach to corner filter

Product data

Nano Bio Filter Granules

Item No.
Dimensions (W x D x H)
9 cm x 3.5 cm x 16.5 cm
Informationen zur Produktsicherheit
  • Unternehmensname: Dennerle GmbH
  • Adresse: Industriestraße 4, 66981 Münchweiler, Deutschland

  • E-Mail: service@dennerle.com
  • Telefon: +49 6395 9107-440

Nano Bio Filter Granules