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Additional suction protection for Corner Filter 40/60

This additional protection for baby shrimp can be easily clipped onto the Corner Filter 40/60 . This protects the offspring from being sucked in by the filter.

Corner Filter Baby Protect 40/60 in detail

Product data

Corner Filter Baby Protect 40/60

Item No.
Dimensions (W x D x H)
6 cm x 4 cm x 15.5 cm
Informationen zur Produktsicherheit
  • Unternehmensname: Dennerle GmbH
  • Adresse: Industriestraße 4, 66981 Münchweiler, Deutschland

  • E-Mail: service@dennerle.com
  • Telefon: +49 6395 9107-440

Corner Filter Baby Protect 40/60