Catappa Leaves
Indian almond leaves for freshwater aquariums
- Natural water care and nutritional supplements
- Create natural, tropical-like aquarium water
- Are a natural decoration and promote species-appropriate behavior
- Represent a valuable supplementary food for crabs and shrimps and increase breeding success
- Ideal for starting newly set up aquariums
- Natürliche Wasserpflege und Nahrungsergänzung
- Schaffen naturnahes, tropenähnliches Aquarienwasser
- Sind eine natürliche Dekoration und fördern artgemäßes Verhalten
- Stellen eine wertvolle Zusatznahrung für Krebse und Garnelen dar und erhöhen die Zuchterfolge
- Ideal zum Starten neu eingerichteter Aquarien

Often bought together with
Indian almond leaves for freshwater aquariums
The insider tip of Asian fish farmers: The ripe, dried leaves of the tropical almond tree Terminalia catappa add natural substances to the water that aquarium fish and invertebrates are used to from their native waters. They acidify slightly and stabilize the pH value. The slowly decaying leaves are a great supplement and holiday food for shrimps, crayfish, crabs, snails and catfish. Premium quality: harvested directly from the tree, cleaned, dried, hand-picked.
Catappa Leaves in detail
Dosage and Application
Product data
Catappa Leaves
Item No.
Item No.
Dimensions (W x D x H)
Dimensions (W x D x H)
Informationen zur Produktsicherheit
- Unternehmensname: Dennerle GmbH
- Adresse: Industriestraße 4, 66981 Münchweiler, Deutschland
- E-Mail: service@dennerle.com
- Telefon: +49 6395 9107-440
Catappa Leaves