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CO2 fertilization system for soda systems including soda CO2 cylinder

The practical alternative to classic CO2 fertilization systems
With our new CO2 fertilization system Carbo Soda M200 you can use a standard soda CO2 screw cylinder as a CO2 source. The advantage is that soda cylinders are readily available and can be easily exchanged. A good and consistent CO2 supply is important for the healthy growth of aquarium plants and makes it easier to care for your aquarium. This gives you the opportunity to create perfect conditions for plants and aquarium inhabitants.

Carbo Soda M200 in detail

Product data

Carbo Soda M200

Item No.
Dimensions (W x D x H)
29.7 cm x 14 cm x 47 cm
Informationen zur Produktsicherheit
  • Unternehmensname: Dennerle GmbH
  • Adresse: Industriestraße 4, 66981 Münchweiler, Deutschland

  • E-Mail: service@dennerle.com
  • Telefon: +49 6395 9107-440

Carbo Soda M200