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Dennerle Herkunftsland 2022


Helanthium tenellum ‘Broad Leaf’ In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 20 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 60 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Helanthium
Type: Rosettenpflanze
We discovered this grass-like beauty on our Florida Plantahunter Tour in winter 2012. At first glance it looks very similar to Helanthium tenellum (former name: Echinodorus tenellus) and is easily confused. The difference lies in the colour and width of the leaves and the growth height appears to be somewhat smaller. We named this plant 'Broad Leaf' due to the width of the leaf blades being up to 2.5 mm. The colour of the leaves stays bright mid-green, so it combines well with colourful plants such as Hygrophila pinnatifida, for example. Care needs are similar to the standard Helanthium tenellum. Lawn formation is encouraged by vigorous pruning.

Helanthium tenellum ´Red´ In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 16 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 3 - 5 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Helanthium
Type: Ausläufer
In the past, this grass-like plant was better known as „Echinodorus tenellus“. It has been one of the most popular foreground plants for many decades and can be described as a ‘classic’. In contrast to the purely green growth form ‚parvulum‘, the narrow-leaved growth form becomes violet reddish with good lighting - a nice contrast to bright green cushion forming plants such as Micranthemum tweediei. Strongly cut back, Helanthium tenellum ´Red´ forms a dense „grass carpet“. In aquascaping individual shoots set fine accents in a landscape.

Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba’

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Licht Icon 18 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 3 - 5 cm Growth
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Species: Hemianthus
Type: Ausläufer
Dwarf baby tears was first discovered several years ago in a stream on the island of Cuba. Leaves just a few millimetres wide make this Hemianthus the smallest aquarium plant in the world. It is a highly adaptable plant in terms of water values, but it is important to provide good lighting and a good CO2 supply. Plants that grow above water can be divided into small pieces and planted. In a few weeks you will have a dense foreground carpet. Aquarium designs combining these plants with all kinds of rockwork look both ornamental and natural.

Hemianthus callitrichoides Cuba In-Vitro

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Licht Icon 18 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 3 - 5 cm Growth
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Species: Hemianthus
Type: Ausläufer
Dwarf baby tears was first discovered several years ago in a stream on the island of Cuba. Leaves just a few millimetres wide make this Hemianthus the smallest aquarium plant in the world. It is a highly adaptable plant in terms of water values, but it is important to provide good lighting and a good CO2 supply. Plants that grow above water can be divided into small pieces and planted. In a few weeks you will have a dense foreground carpet. Aquarium designs combining these plants with all kinds of rockwork look both ornamental and natural.

Fissidens geppii, pad

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 5 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Fissidentaceae
Species: Fissidens

Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Bleherae’

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 60 - 80 cm / schnell Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Type: Rosettenpflanze
This large Amazon sword plant is possibly the most popular aquatic plant. Its leaves are 3-6 cm wide, making them broader than the 'amazonicus', and with growth up to 60 cm it is certainly the more dominant in appearance. Older bushes, sometimes with more than 50 leaves, are an impressive sight. The substrate must be at least 10 cm deep so that the root system can spread properly. Combine with various Helanthium species (dwarf Echinodorus) to create outstanding South American underwater landscapes.

Echinodorus grisebachii ´Tropica´

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 5 - 10 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Type: Rosettenpflanze
Die Herkunft dieser kleinbleibenden Echinodorus ist unbekannt. Vermutlich ist sie durch Mutation in einem Pflanzenbestand einer Gärtnerei in Asien entstanden. Mit einer Wuchshöhe von nur 5-10 cm ist sie ideal für den Vordergrund geeignet. Der Lichtanspruch ist deutlich höher als bei der Stammform, auch eine gute Ernährung und CO2-Versorgung sind wichtige Vorrausetzungen für ein optimales Wachstum. In Nano Cubes wirkt die Pflanze in Einzelstellung sehr kontrastreich zu feingliedrigen Arten. In größeren Aquarien sollten mehrere Einzelpflanzen in einer Gruppe angeordnet werden.

Echinodorus ´Green Chamäleon´

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 40 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Type: Rosettenpflanze
The ‚Green Chameleon‘ variety has come about by breeding E. ‚Simply Red‘ x. A pure green colour in its emersed form, this new plant transforms into a colourful Echinodorus in the aquarium. The leaf blades are slightly wavy and initially light green in colour. After a few months, with good lighting they form wonderfully coloured leaves. The colours range from olive green to wine red variegation. A real highlight for any Echinodorus fan!

Echinodorus ´Ocelot´

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 30 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Type: Rosettenpflanze
The popular Echinodorus 'Ocelot' has been in stores for quite some time. It has very obvious spot markings that are somewhat evocative of an ocelot’s coat. These plants grow very well and have narrow, elliptical leaves. New leaves have an intense brown-red to dark red colour. Over time, the leaves turn a dark olive green and display the typical spotted pattern. An attractive variety that grows up to 20 - 30 cm tall. This makes it a great addition to medium-sized aquaria as well.

Echinodorus ´Red Chamäleon´

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 30 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Type: Rosettenpflanze
Somewhat smaller than the variety E. 'Green Chameleon', the new variety Echinodorus 'Red Chameleon' stays at a height of around 30 cm. Even in an emersed state, the leaf blades have a red colouring, however the true beauty only becomes fully apparent in the aquarium. Under strong lighting its growth is compact and the central leaves develop a strong deep red colour. Nutrient-rich substrate, regular liquid fertilisation and adequate CO2 guarantee strong growth.