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Dennerle Herkunftsland 2022


Egeria densa ‘Dense’

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Licht Icon 10 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 60 - 80 cm / schnell Growth
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Species: Egeria
Type: Stängelpflanze
The common name "waterweed" gives you some idea of the growth habits of this plant. Egeria densa is one of the best growers of all, and there are absolutely no issues with cultivation. Native to Southeast Brazil and Argentina, it has now spread across every continent. The "dense" variety displays extremely close, compact leaf growth along the stem. It also grows very well in garden ponds - either planted or floating - but is not completely winter-hardy.

Egeria densa ‘Tropical Type’

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 60 - 80 cm / schnell Growth
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Species: Egeria
Type: Stängelpflanze
Waterweed is probably the most well-known of all aquatic plants. Thanks to its rapid growth it is the perfect plant for dealing with algae. This stem plant is also a popular oxygenator for aquaria and garden ponds. As with most stem plants, propagation is not complicated. Simply cut off the top or side shoots and replant them. In aquaria it may be necessary to cut the plant back often due to the speed at which it spreads. Highly recommended for stabilising new setups.

Eleocharis acicularis

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 15 cm Growth
Family: Cyperaceae
Species: Eleocharis
Type: Ausläufer
The needle rush Eleocharis acicularis is found all over the world. It is a particularly lithe, grass-like plant for the foreground. It prefers cooler water, but does grow perfectly well at higher temperatures. Side runners shoot out over time to produce a thick carpet of plants. When bedding in plants cultivated in the emersed state, we recommend pruning hard and dividing any dense plant cushions. Plant the cut rootstock at 5 cm intervals. The first submerged blades will appear after just a few days.

Eleocharis pusilla

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Licht Icon 12 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 6 cm Growth
Family: Cyperaceae
Species: Eleocharis
Type: Ausläufer
The dwarf spike rush, Eleocharis pusilla, is native to Australia and New Zealand and inhabits wetlands with different water levels. In contrast to Eleocharis acicularis, the growth height is significantly shorter, usually only a few centimetres high. Another distinguishing feature are the light green, slightly curved stems of the dwarf spikerush. This grass grows best in cooler water, it cannot tolerate permanently high temperatures over 25° C. This delicate beauty is extremely well suited to stone layouts in the Iwagumi style, for the creation of a fresh "summer meadow". Like Echidonorus acicularis, the dwarf spikerush can also be cut well back, which makes the plant even denser and more compact

Eleocharis vivipara

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Licht Icon 18 - 26 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 60 cm Growth
Family: Cyperaceae
Species: Eleocharis
Type: Stängelpflanze
The umbrella hairgrass, as it is also known, is a delicate grass for the background. It has been known in aquatics for a long time, but only thanks to wonderful aquascaping layouts has this swamp plant, which forms runners, caught the attention again. The plants create the best effect when planted in large groups behind a stone structure or with other delicate stem plants. The species name vivipara: viviparous, comes from the runners on the blade tips.

Echinodorus Dschungelstar No. 3

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 40 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Type: Rosettenpflanze
Here the name refers to the thin, long submerged leaves. There are also bright patches of colour similar to those you would see on a python. Under very good lighting, the newest leaves are an intense red colour. Nutrient-rich substrate and a good supply of CO2 encourage strong growth. As with most Echinodorus, these plants are most effective when used singly. In terms of care, simply remove older leaves and thin out the foliage.

Echinodorus Dschungelstar No. 9

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 25 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Type: Rosettenpflanze
The leaf shape of the No. 9 is similar to the pure green Harbich variety. However, this variant has a very pretty red, spotted pattern. Emersed leaves are almost circular and only seen above water; in aquaria they have shorter stems and the leaf shape is much more elongated. Olive-green leaves have a reddish-brown pattern and often wavy edges. Growing to 25 cm, this variety is ideal for smaller aquaria. As with all our Dschungelstars, this is a very easy plant.

Echinodorus argentinensis

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Licht Icon 18 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 60 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Sword plants are now distributed throughout the US and Argentina. E. argentinensis is one of the larger varieties and requires sufficient space in an underwater landscape. It is well-suited to open aquaria as its sturdy emersed leaves are highly ornamental. With a little bit of patience there may even be flower shoots bearing white blossoms. Requires nutrient-rich substrate and medium to strong lighting.

Echinodorus cordifolius ‘MINI’

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 15 - 25 cm / langsam Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
Dennerle has been cultivating this mini creeping burhead for many years, after it was discovered in the early 1980s in an imported shipment. This is an ideal plant for smaller aquaria, such as the 60 L Nano Cube or the 60 cm standard aquarium. Growing to a height of just 25 cm, this creeping burhead is one of the small species and varieties. Its light green leaves contrast beautifully with dark green or colourful plants. Adequate nutrition and good lighting will produce particularly compact rosettes.

Echinodorus cordifolius Harbich Red

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Licht Icon 22 - 28 °C Temperature
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Licht Icon 40 cm Growth
Family: Alismataceae
Species: Echinodorus
‘Harbich Red‘ stays much smaller than the original form of E. cordifolius. Emersed leaves are round with hairs on the leaf blades; submerged leaves in aquaria are much narrower. This variety is very robust and has firm, stiff leaves. The pedicels do develop a lot of adventitious plantlets, although these can only develop properly in open aquaria. The name ‘Harbich Red‘ refers to the reddish colour of new leaves, which gradually turn green over time.