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Biological carbon fertilizer for aquarium plants

Carbon – the basis of life.

Carbon (carbon dioxide) is the most important nutrient for aquarium plants. Around 40% of the dry mass of plants consists of it, but it is in short supply in aquariums. The result: poor plant growth. And when the plants grow poorly, the unwanted algae get their chance. Carbo Care Bio supplies all aquarium plants quickly and effectively with easily available carbon. All plants, from mosses to echinodorus and cryptocorynes to fast-growing stem plants, become fuller and stronger. The leaves become significantly larger and more colorful. The success is visible after just a few weeks - pay attention to the shoot tips and the young leaves. The lush, healthy growth increases the plants' ability to compete with algae. Undesirable algae are thus pushed back. The entire aquarium appears healthier, greener and more beautiful.

How Carbo Care Bio works

The basis of plant metabolism is photosynthesis. In this biochemical process, solar energy is "captured" and stored in energy-rich carbon compounds. One such energy-rich compound is sugar. These compounds are used by the plant (a) as a universal energy source or (b) to produce other compounds. To stay with the sugar example: The plant can "burn" the sugar in its cells and use the released energy to drive other metabolic processes. Or it can process the sugar into cellulose, for example. Cellulose, also known as wood pulp, is the substance that gives trees their strength and consists of nothing other than long chains of sugar. How can the plant convert substances into one another? The central hub in plant metabolism is the so-called citric acid cycle. The citric acid cycle is like a factory. A wide variety of substances are introduced here to produce the required substances. With the help of this metabolic pathway, the plant can produce all vital carbon compounds itself: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, secondary plant substances, etc. And this is exactly where Carbo Care Bio comes into play. The product contains selected active ingredients that also occur in plant metabolism in this or a similar form. The active ingredients are absorbed by the plant and used in the cells as building material for the construction of higher compounds or as an energy source. This additional supply allows the plant to grow faster and stronger. There is also another positive effect: all organic active ingredients based on carbon are bacterially degradable, because the numerous filter bacteria in the aquarium feed on them. In the end, only carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water remain. Carbo Care Bio therefore supplies the plants with vital carbon in two ways. The effect is visible after just a few weeks of regular use: the plants grow faster, more lush and healthier, and algae are pushed back.


Depending on plants and growing conditions: 1 – 3 ml per 100 L of aquarium water daily.

Carbo Care Bio in detail

Dosage and Application


4 drops per 10 L of aquarium water.
1 – 3 ml per 100 L of aquarium water. Do not overdose.

Product data

Carbo Care Bio

Item No.
Item No.
Item No.
Dimensions (W x D x H)
4.7 cm x 4.7 cm x 12.2 cm
Dimensions (W x D x H)
6.4 cm x 4 cm x 18.7 cm
Dimensions (W x D x H)
8 cm x 5 cm x 22.4 cm
Informationen zur Produktsicherheit
  • Unternehmensname: Dennerle GmbH
  • Adresse: Industriestraße 4, 66981 Münchweiler, Deutschland

  • E-Mail: service@dennerle.com
  • Telefon: +49 6395 9107-440

Carbo Care Bio